149 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable file
149 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable file
# FYI, this command removes file abc if it is empty: [ -s abc ] || rm -f abc
usage="usage: $0 encryptionport decryptionport"
#use the standard version of echo
#Make sure we have the right number of arguments
if test $# -gt 2 -o $# -lt 2
${echo} $usage 1>&2
exit 1
#Clean up any previous runs
${echo} '#Initializing - Cleaning up - ignore Operation Not Permitted errors'
${echo} '#Note: this script requires that the current directory (.) be in your PATH in ~/.bashrc'
killall -q -u $USER dec_client
killall -q -u $USER dec_server
killall -q -u $USER enc_client
killall -q -u $USER enc_server
rm -f ciphertext*
rm -f plaintext*_*
rm -f key20
rm -f key70000
#Record the ports passed in
#Run the daemons
./enc_server $encport &
./dec_server $decport &
sleep 5
${echo} '#-----------------------------------------'
${echo} '#keygen 20 > key20'
./keygen 20 > key20
${echo} "#5 POINTS: key20 must exist"
[ -s key20 ] || rm -f key20
if [ -f key20 ]; then ${echo} 'key20 exists!'; else ${echo} 'key20 DOES NOT EXIST'; fi
${echo} "#-----------------------------------------"
${echo} "#5 POINTS: Number of characters in key20, should be 21:"
wc -m key20
${echo} "#-----------------------------------------"
${echo} '#keygen 70000 > key70000'
./keygen 70000 > key70000
${echo} "#5 POINTS: Number of characters in key70000, should be 70001:"
[ -s key70000 ] || rm -f key70000
wc -m key70000
${echo} "#-----------------------------------------"
${echo} '#enc_client plaintext1 key20 $encport'
${echo} "#10 POINTS: Should return error about too-short key"
./enc_client plaintext1 key20 $encport
${echo} "#-----------------------------------------"
${echo} '#enc_client plaintext1 key70000 $encport'
${echo} "#20 POINTS: Should return encrypted version of plaintext1"
./enc_client plaintext1 key70000 $encport
${echo} '#-----------------------------------------'
${echo} '#enc_client plaintext1 key70000 $encport > ciphertext1'
./enc_client plaintext1 key70000 $encport > ciphertext1
${echo} "#10 POINTS: ciphertext1 must exist"
[ -s ciphertext1 ] || rm -f ciphertext1
if [ -f ciphertext1 ]; then ${echo} 'ciphertext1 exists!'; else ${echo} 'ciphertext1 DOES NOT EXIST'; fi
${echo} '#-----------------------------------------'
${echo} '#10 POINTS: ciphertext1 must be same number of chars as source'
${echo} '#wc -m plaintext1'
wc -m plaintext1
${echo} '#Should be same: wc -m ciphertext1'
wc -m ciphertext1
${echo} '#-----------------------------------------'
${echo} '#5 POINTS: ciphertext1 should look encrypted'
cat ciphertext1
${echo} '#-----------------------------------------'
${echo} '#dec_client ciphertext1 key70000 $encport'
${echo} '#5 POINTS: Should fail giving error that dec_client cannot use enc_server'
./dec_client ciphertext1 key70000 $encport
${echo} '#-----------------------------------------'
${echo} '#20 POINTS: should return decrypted ciphertext1 that matches source'
${echo} '#cat plaintext1'
cat plaintext1
${echo} '#dec_client ciphertext1 key70000 $decport'
./dec_client ciphertext1 key70000 $decport
${echo} '#-----------------------------------------'
${echo} '#dec_client ciphertext1 key70000 $decport > plaintext1_a'
./dec_client ciphertext1 key70000 $decport > plaintext1_a
${echo} "#10 POINTS: plaintext1_a must exist"
[ -s plaintext1_a ] || rm -f plaintext1_a
if [ -f plaintext1_a ]; then ${echo} 'plaintext1_a exists!'; else ${echo} 'plaintext1_a DOES NOT EXIST'; fi
${echo} '#-----------------------------------------'
${echo} '#cmp plaintext1 plaintext1_a'
${echo} '#5 POINTS: plaintext1 must be the same as plaintext1_a:'
${echo} '#echo $? should be == 0, which means the cmp succeeded!'
cmp plaintext1 plaintext1_a
echo $?
${echo} '#-----------------------------------------'
${echo} '#20 POINTS: concurrent test of encryption - look for 4 properly-sized ciphertext# files, or 5 where the 5th is 0 bytes'
${echo} '#5 POINTS: Should be only one error about plaintext5 being bad'
rm -f ciphertext*
rm -f plaintext*_*
./enc_client plaintext1 key70000 $encport > ciphertext1 &
./enc_client plaintext2 key70000 $encport > ciphertext2 &
./enc_client plaintext3 key70000 $encport > ciphertext3 &
./enc_client plaintext4 key70000 $encport > ciphertext4 &
./enc_client plaintext5 key70000 $encport > ciphertext5 &
${echo} 'Ten second sleep, your program must complete in this time'
sleep 10
ls -pla
${echo} '#-----------------------------------------'
${echo} '#15 POINTS: concurrent test of decryption - look for 4 plaintext#_a files that match the plaintext# files'
./dec_client ciphertext1 key70000 $decport > plaintext1_a &
./dec_client ciphertext2 key70000 $decport > plaintext2_a &
./dec_client ciphertext3 key70000 $decport > plaintext3_a &
./dec_client ciphertext4 key70000 $decport > plaintext4_a &
${echo} '#Ten second sleep, your program must complete in this time'
sleep 10
ls -pla
#Clean up
${echo} '#-----------------------------------------'
${echo} '#Cleaning up - ignore Operation Not Permitted errors'
killall -q -u $USER dec_client
killall -q -u $USER dec_server
killall -q -u $USER enc_client
killall -q -u $USER enc_server
rm -f ciphertext*
rm -f plaintext*_*
rm -f key20
rm -f key70000