{ config, nixosConfig, pkgs, inputs, home-manager, ... }: { imports = [ #inputs.nix-index-db.hmModules.nix-index ]; # systemd.user.services.mailsync = { #} home.packages = with pkgs; [ cider prismlauncher firefox librewolf neomutt dunst mutt-wizard cyrus-sasl-xoauth2 pass isync msmtp notmuch kitty lynx playerctl nheko hyprpaper xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland pavucontrol slurp grim wofi imv swaylock-effects qt5ct qt6ct ]; #programs.hyprland.enable = true; # hyprland.homeManagerModules.default #wayland.windowManager.hyprland.enable = true; xdg.configFile = { "hypr" = { source = config.lib.file.mkOutOfStoreSymlink "/etc/nixos/config/hypr"; recursive = true; }; }; # Read the Docs before change home.stateVersion = "23.05"; home.homeDirectory = "/home/stitchynyan"; }