On Malachite, the calendar window was floating too far from the edge, which should be fixed by this. Additionally, this removes unecessary geometries from the cal and bar windows
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136 lines
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;; Audio
(deflisten vol "cat ~/.cache/eww/vol && inotifywait -q -m -e close_write ~/.cache/eww/vol | while read -r filename event; do cat ~/.cache/eww/vol; done")
(defpoll micvol :interval "1m" "wpctl get-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SOURCE@ | awk '{print $2}'")
;; Workspace Stuff
(deflisten workspaces :initial "[]" "bash ~/.config/eww/scripts/get-workspaces")
(deflisten current_workspace :initial "..." "bash ~/.config/eww/scripts/get-active-workspace")
(deflisten urgent_workspace :initial "..." "bash ~/.config/eww/scripts/get-urgent-workspaces")
(defwidget _workspaces []
(eventbox :onscroll "bash ~/.config/eww/scripts/change-active-workspace {} ${current_workspace}" :class "workspaces-widget"
(box :space-evenly false :orientation "vertical"
(label :text "${workspaces}${current_workspace}${urgent_workspace}" :visible false)
(for workspace in workspaces
(eventbox :onclick "hyprctl dispatch workspace ${workspace.id}"
(box :class "workspace-entry ${workspace.id == current_workspace ? "current" : ""} ${workspace.id == urgent_workspace ? "urgent" : ""} ${workspace.windows > 0 ? "occupied" : "empty" }"
(label :text "${workspace.id}")
;; Screen
(deflisten backlight "brightnessctl g && inotifywait -q -m -e modify /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/actual_brightness | while read -r filename event; do cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/actual_brightness; done")
;; Widgets
(defwidget clock []
:onhover "eww open cal"
(box :orientation "vertical"
:halign "center"
:valign "end"
(box :class "clock" {formattime(EWW_TIME, "%H")})
(box :class "clock" {formattime(EWW_TIME, "%M")})
(defwidget circle [val prog sty char]
(box :halign "center"
:orientation "vertical"
:valign "end"
(circular-progress :value prog
:start-at 10
:clockwise false
:thickness 3
:width 30
:height 30
:class "bat"
:halign "center"
val )
(box :class "circle" :style sty char)))
(defwidget battery []
(circle :prog {EWW_BATTERY.BAT1.capacity * (77778 /100000)}
:sty "color: ${EWW_BATTERY.BAT1.status == 'Charging' ? '#1a1': EWW_BATTERY.BAT1.capacity < 20 ? '#a11': '#cac'};"
:val {EWW_BATTERY.BAT1.capacity}
:char ""))
(defwidget volume []
:onclick "hyprctl dispatch exec 'pavucontrol -t 3'"
:onscroll "if [ {} == 'up' ]; then /etc/nixos/config/dunst/scripts/volumeNotify.sh 1%+; else /etc/nixos/config/dunst/scripts/volumeNotify.sh 1%-; fi"
(circle :prog {vol * 7/10}
:sty "font-size: 12; margin-right: 2px;"
:val {vol + 1 - 1}
:char "")))
(defwidget mic []
:onclick "hyprctl dispatch exec 'pavucontrol -t 4'"
:onscroll "if [ {} == 'up' ]; then wpctl set-volume -l 1 @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ 1%+; else wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ 1%-; fi"
(circle :prog {micvol * 70}
:sty "margin-left: 1px;"
:val {micvol *100}
:char "")))
(defwidget brightness []
:onscroll "if [ {} == 'up' ]; then brightnessctl -d intel_backlight set 1%+; else brightnessctl -d intel_backlight set 1%-; fi"
(circle :prog {(backlight / 960) * 7/10}
:sty "font-size: 12; margin-right: 3px;"
:val {round( backlight / 960, 0) - 1}
:char "")))
(defwidget power []
(box :class "power" :valign "end" "⏻"))
(defwidget tray []
(systray :orientation "v" :icon-size 20))
;; Upper Level Widgets
(defwidget bar []
(centerbox :orientation "vertical"
:halign "center"
:space-evenly false
(box :orientation "vertical" :spacing -25 :valign "end"
(defwidget cal []
:class "cal"
:onhoverlost "eww close cal"
;; Windows
(defwindow bar
:monitor 0
:geometry (geometry :x "4px"
:height "98%"
:anchor "left center")
:stacking "fg"
:exclusive true
:class "bar"
(defwindow cal
:monitor 0
:geometry (geometry :x "4px"
:anchor "left center")
:stacking "fg"
:exclusive false
:class "bar"