import ""; import { initShader } from "./shader.mjs"; import { calcRotationMatrix } from "./algebra.mjs"; const CANVAS_WIDTH = 700; const CANVAS_HEIGHT = 700; let TIME = 0; let camera_pos = [0, 0, 0]; let mouse_pos = [0, 0]; // Update the Camera position function updateCamera(gl, program) { if (keymap.get("w")) { camera_pos[2] += 0.1; } if (keymap.get("a")) { camera_pos[0] += -0.1; } if (keymap.get("s")) { camera_pos[2] += -0.1; } if (keymap.get("d")) { camera_pos[0] += 0.1; } if (keymap.get("e")) { camera_pos[1] += 0.1; } if (keymap.get("q")) { camera_pos[1] += -0.1; } // Position const pos = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "camera_pos"); gl.uniform3fv(pos, camera_pos); // Rotation const rot = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "camera_rot"); let M1 = calcRotationMatrix([0, -1, 0], mouse_pos[0]); let M2 = calcRotationMatrix([-1, 0, 0], mouse_pos[1]); let rot_mat = glMatrix.mat3.create(); glMatrix.mat3.mul(rot_mat, M1, M2); gl.uniform3fv(rot, rot_mat); } // update the canvas function draw(gl, program) { // Create uniform const loc = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "time"); TIME += 1 / 60; gl.uniform1f(loc, TIME); updateCamera(gl, program); // Draw the frame recursively on next frame gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6); requestAnimationFrame(() => draw(gl, program)); } // Initialize the shader const [gl, program, canvas] = await initShader(CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT); // Key Presses let keymap = new Map(); document.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) { keymap.set(event.key, true); }); document.addEventListener("keyup", function (event) { keymap.set(event.key, false); }); // Mouse movement document.addEventListener("mousemove", function (event) { mouse_pos[0] += event.movementX / 800; mouse_pos[1] += event.movementY / 800; }); // Request pointer Lock canvas.addEventListener("click", async () => { await canvas.requestPointerLock(); }); // Update loop updateCamera(gl, program); draw(gl, program);